"Storms & Pearls"
I've got inspired by a paragraph located in the book "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius,
and i decided to explore the concept in a new illustration style integrating lineart,
and different illustrated elements in the same composition.

“Be like the jutting rock against which waves are constantly crashing, and all around it the frothing foam then settles back down. Say not “Oh, I am so unfortunate that this has happened to me.” But rather “How fortunate I am that, even though this has happened to me,
I continue uninjured, neither terrified by the present nor in fear of the future.”

- Meditations, Marcus Aurelius

Illustration process from sketch to lineart and values and a final color balance and text.

Andrés Alvear
 Illustration & Design

Storms & Pearls


Storms & Pearls

Illustration inspired in a paragraph of the book "Meditations - Marcus Aurelius"
